Higher Ground Church Fellowship Center is a non-denominational church. Our focus IS on Evangelism (soul winning for Christ) and Outreach. We are the “arms and feet’ of Christ. We recognize that We must continue spreading the "Good News: God Loves You and Jesus Saves."
We are very grateful Omega Christian Center, under the leadership of Pastor Brent W. Taylor, Sr. has opened their doors for joint Worship Services. Higher Ground Church Fellowship is also in the field where we can “point the unchurched” to a few Great “Loving” churches in the Cincinnati, OH, West Palm Beach, FL or Washington, D.C. area where Believers can get connected for Weekly Worship, Bible Study and “good” Christian Fellowship.
We want people to remember: "That We Must Demonstrate Love Toward Each Other, regardless of race, creed, color, denomination or even political affiliation."
We must also "care" for: the underprivileged, the widows, the orphans, the elderly, the veterans, the incarcerated, the mentally ill, those citizens seeking freedom and refuge, the girls and women mentally imprisoned in Africa and abroad just because they are females.
There is so much work to be done. If we can make a difference in “one life” then our living will not have been in vain.
We are very grateful Omega Christian Center, under the leadership of Pastor Brent W. Taylor, Sr. has opened their doors for joint Worship Services. Higher Ground Church Fellowship is also in the field where we can “point the unchurched” to a few Great “Loving” churches in the Cincinnati, OH, West Palm Beach, FL or Washington, D.C. area where Believers can get connected for Weekly Worship, Bible Study and “good” Christian Fellowship.
We want people to remember: "That We Must Demonstrate Love Toward Each Other, regardless of race, creed, color, denomination or even political affiliation."
We must also "care" for: the underprivileged, the widows, the orphans, the elderly, the veterans, the incarcerated, the mentally ill, those citizens seeking freedom and refuge, the girls and women mentally imprisoned in Africa and abroad just because they are females.
There is so much work to be done. If we can make a difference in “one life” then our living will not have been in vain.

The Higher Ground Church story is one rooted in FAITH and DETERMINATION.
In 1999 under the vision, leadership and guidance of Rev. Calvin J. Hooks, Pastor and Rev. Deborah D. Hooks, Co-Pastor this Giant Step of Faith began. Yes, the church started in a hotel (and Jesus was born in a manger). With 23 Charter members Higher Ground was determined to be in God’s will and to start this work, to impact and build lives and most importantly to make disciples. The Church started in a small conference room, the graduated into the mail Ballroom.
The Official Logo which is the Cross with the *16 rays represents the Love of Christ which is spread abroad. The concept was birthed from e pluribus unum (latin: out of many, one or one from many) “Because of the many sins of the world God sent His Son) John 3:16, That’s Love
*The number 16 is symbolic of love and loving. The duality of true love is represented by 8+8 =16. (Matt. 22:37-40) vs.37. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38. This is the first and great commandment. 39. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
In 2001, the church purchased 4.5 acres of land. Ever mindful of the multitude of spiritual needs, not just in our church family, but also in the community, the vision from God included a 600-1000 seat Sanctuary, a Family Life Center, a Christian School and a Senior Citizen’s affordable housing complex.
The initial thought was to build the sanctuary first, however, God said, "First, build the Family Life Center; (Children need a place to play after school, children and adults need to become computer literate, no-cost training sessions need to be held to teach individuals how to dress for success, complete a resume and find a job. The community needs to know more about Health Awareness - they need to know people care about them and most importantly they need to see God's love in action.)"
Rev. Calvin J. Hooks served as the General Contractor for this building and the members, literally built this building with their own hands, blood, sweat and tears. The children and the mothers of the church had the opportunity of painting and mudding the walls. It was truly a labor of LOVE. The Building was erected and is located at *10555 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH.
God blessed the church to grow from 23 to approximately 400 in a short period of time. By 2008, The membership had grown to nearly 1000 members (approx. 100 members resided outside the Ohio area) - Only God!
In late 2008, there was the bank crisis, (categorized as the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression) But God said, “Keep Going, we wrestle not against flesh and blood…!”
2009 The Church relocated to Winton Road/Kemper Meadows. Still, Worshiping, Preaching, Teaching, and doing outreach in the community. Although membership declined, we Kept Going!
A Neighboring Church in West Africa reached out to us, because as they said, “the Lord told them to do so.” - They found us on our website. Our Neighboring/Global church is now called Higher Ground International Ministries under the leadership of Pastor Amos Freeman. Our churches have a Beautiful relationship. Higher Ground has stood by them, prayed with them, provided financial support, books, etc., for their church and children and supported them through many dangerous storms including the Ebola outbreak. Through the years we’ve seen many signs and wonders. We’ve witnessed God’s Miraculous hands working in many lives. Deliverance has taken place on many levels. Cancer is being defeated. And God is still being Glorified!
In 2016, Rev. Calvin Hooks was elevated to the position of Overseer in order to position another Minister which had been called by God to Pastor an established congregation. After seeking God, praying and fasting, and the staffing process, we were blessed to become acquainted with Elder Maurice L. Bryant. (Higher Ground was seeking someone who would carry on the already established mission and vision which the Founders had laid.) In December, the Lord said it was time to relocate. He said we need to branch out and to move out of our comfort zone. So, once again the church relocated to the progressively growing West Chester Area. The Holiday Inn was newly constructed and they had built a Chapel that resembled a Church. This New Edifice would become Higher Ground’s home until God opens the door to purchase a building or directs otherwise.
On New Year’s Eve December 31, 2017, Elder Maurice L. Bryant was Installed as the Pastor. Elder Maurice brought with him a unique out-of-the-box preaching style, filled with excitement and humor. On September 1, 2019, under the leadership of Pastor Bryant the congregation was relocated from the Holiday Inn to Mill Street in Lockland, OH. October 1, Pastor Bryant birthed a new Church which he would lead as the Senior Pastor naming it Rebirth Bible Church.
Today Higher Ground Church Fellowship Center continues under the strong leadership of its Founders. A Loving Bond was formed In October of 2019 with Omega Christian Center, in Sharonville, OH under the dynamic leadership of their Founders (Pastor Winfry Taylor and Co-Pastor Charlette Taylor) and the Senior Pastor Brent W. Taylor, Sr.
*10555 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH. It’s a Blessing to report that this building is still standing as a vibrant church with anointed pastors preaching and teaching the Word of God.
In 1999 under the vision, leadership and guidance of Rev. Calvin J. Hooks, Pastor and Rev. Deborah D. Hooks, Co-Pastor this Giant Step of Faith began. Yes, the church started in a hotel (and Jesus was born in a manger). With 23 Charter members Higher Ground was determined to be in God’s will and to start this work, to impact and build lives and most importantly to make disciples. The Church started in a small conference room, the graduated into the mail Ballroom.
The Official Logo which is the Cross with the *16 rays represents the Love of Christ which is spread abroad. The concept was birthed from e pluribus unum (latin: out of many, one or one from many) “Because of the many sins of the world God sent His Son) John 3:16, That’s Love
*The number 16 is symbolic of love and loving. The duality of true love is represented by 8+8 =16. (Matt. 22:37-40) vs.37. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38. This is the first and great commandment. 39. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
In 2001, the church purchased 4.5 acres of land. Ever mindful of the multitude of spiritual needs, not just in our church family, but also in the community, the vision from God included a 600-1000 seat Sanctuary, a Family Life Center, a Christian School and a Senior Citizen’s affordable housing complex.
The initial thought was to build the sanctuary first, however, God said, "First, build the Family Life Center; (Children need a place to play after school, children and adults need to become computer literate, no-cost training sessions need to be held to teach individuals how to dress for success, complete a resume and find a job. The community needs to know more about Health Awareness - they need to know people care about them and most importantly they need to see God's love in action.)"
Rev. Calvin J. Hooks served as the General Contractor for this building and the members, literally built this building with their own hands, blood, sweat and tears. The children and the mothers of the church had the opportunity of painting and mudding the walls. It was truly a labor of LOVE. The Building was erected and is located at *10555 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH.
God blessed the church to grow from 23 to approximately 400 in a short period of time. By 2008, The membership had grown to nearly 1000 members (approx. 100 members resided outside the Ohio area) - Only God!
In late 2008, there was the bank crisis, (categorized as the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression) But God said, “Keep Going, we wrestle not against flesh and blood…!”
2009 The Church relocated to Winton Road/Kemper Meadows. Still, Worshiping, Preaching, Teaching, and doing outreach in the community. Although membership declined, we Kept Going!
A Neighboring Church in West Africa reached out to us, because as they said, “the Lord told them to do so.” - They found us on our website. Our Neighboring/Global church is now called Higher Ground International Ministries under the leadership of Pastor Amos Freeman. Our churches have a Beautiful relationship. Higher Ground has stood by them, prayed with them, provided financial support, books, etc., for their church and children and supported them through many dangerous storms including the Ebola outbreak. Through the years we’ve seen many signs and wonders. We’ve witnessed God’s Miraculous hands working in many lives. Deliverance has taken place on many levels. Cancer is being defeated. And God is still being Glorified!
In 2016, Rev. Calvin Hooks was elevated to the position of Overseer in order to position another Minister which had been called by God to Pastor an established congregation. After seeking God, praying and fasting, and the staffing process, we were blessed to become acquainted with Elder Maurice L. Bryant. (Higher Ground was seeking someone who would carry on the already established mission and vision which the Founders had laid.) In December, the Lord said it was time to relocate. He said we need to branch out and to move out of our comfort zone. So, once again the church relocated to the progressively growing West Chester Area. The Holiday Inn was newly constructed and they had built a Chapel that resembled a Church. This New Edifice would become Higher Ground’s home until God opens the door to purchase a building or directs otherwise.
On New Year’s Eve December 31, 2017, Elder Maurice L. Bryant was Installed as the Pastor. Elder Maurice brought with him a unique out-of-the-box preaching style, filled with excitement and humor. On September 1, 2019, under the leadership of Pastor Bryant the congregation was relocated from the Holiday Inn to Mill Street in Lockland, OH. October 1, Pastor Bryant birthed a new Church which he would lead as the Senior Pastor naming it Rebirth Bible Church.
Today Higher Ground Church Fellowship Center continues under the strong leadership of its Founders. A Loving Bond was formed In October of 2019 with Omega Christian Center, in Sharonville, OH under the dynamic leadership of their Founders (Pastor Winfry Taylor and Co-Pastor Charlette Taylor) and the Senior Pastor Brent W. Taylor, Sr.
*10555 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH. It’s a Blessing to report that this building is still standing as a vibrant church with anointed pastors preaching and teaching the Word of God.